What is tastier than a good meal?
Make it yourself and delight your palate proudly.
Cook amazing recipes in the Spanish language while improving your skills!
Why Spanish recipes
Did you know that people have in common a taste for good food? Moreover, by preparing a recipe from another country or region we connect with its essence? Well, let’s take a closer look at why Spanish recipes.
Hispanic gastronomy has as much richness, variety, and history as the language itself. The same influence that other peoples exerted on them linguistically speaking, they also exerted on their gastronomy.
That´s why in every corner of the world where Spanish is spoken there are also important elements of Spanish gastronomy. Besides cultural and gastronomic elements from Italy, France, Portugal, Germany, the United States, Africa, Asia, and others.
Spaniards are lovers of all the delicious dishes that make up their typical gastronomic richness. The most divine cheeses are made in the Spanish meadows.
Their excellent wines are recognized worldwide along with the most exquisite hams and sausages. They have a unique seasoning for every meal and it isn´t a wonder they are so well known.
It seems that their culinary virtues reached the other Hispanic countries to enrich each other. This is because the Spaniards adopted indigenous and African foods, and at the same time, they learned from Spanish gastronomy.
Maybe those delicious tortilla de patatas, callos, and tapas are from Spain. Nevertheless, you have to see how they are enjoyed in Latin America.
Gastronomy for everyone
There is a Spanish saying “barriga llena, corazón contento” (belly full, happy heart). This makes us think that gastronomy for everyone has the same importance and relevance. It´s to show our essence with pride.
Benefits of cooking in Spanish
Besides enjoying an excellent meal, there are other benefits of cooking in Spanish. We agree that food is a common theme of all living beings and is capable of generating as much pleasure as other things.
- Gain international culinary skills.
- Improve your language skills concerning gastronomy.
- Gastronomy brings people together.
- Spanish gastronomy is super famous.
- Latin American countries have amazing typical foods.
- Master conversation topics.
- Practical learning.
- Improve your memory capacity.
- Impress your special guests with a special meal.
Top 3 recipes in the Spanish language
There is a great culinary tradition that you can’t miss. As a lover of this beautiful language, you surely don’t want to miss all the details of its culture. So I´ll give you the top 3 recipes in the Spanish language to delight your palate.
1. Cordovan Salmorejo
Cordovan Salmorejo has the fame of the best Spanish dishes. Although it´s originally from Cordoba, you can order it in any Spanish restaurant during spring and summer. It doesn´t require many ingredients and is super easy to make.
Ingredientes / Ingredients
2 libras de tomates
2 pounds of tomatoes
1 diente de ajo
1 clove of garlic
200 g de pan duro (pan viejo)
200g stale bread (stale bread)
1/2 taza de aceite de oliva
1/2 cup olive oil
Sal al gusto
Salt to taste
Preparación / Preparation
Limpiar y picar finamente los tomates.
Clean and finely chop the tomatoes.
Páselos por un colador para eliminar los trozos de piel.
Pass them through a strainer to remove the skin pieces.
Poner todos los ingredientes en una batidora.
Place all the ingredients in a blender.
Añada ingredientes adicionales, como huevo duro o jamón.
Add extra ingredients such as hard-boiled egg or ham.
2. Asturian fabada
Asturian fabada is a typical dish from Asturias, the beautiful region in the north of Spain. This region is known for its very special gastronomy and this is the most famous dish. The base of the dish is the classic Serrano ham, so it´s the main thing to get.
Ingredientes / Ingredients
1 libra de habas
1 pound of broad beans
1/2 libra de tocino curado
1/2 pound of cured bacon
2 morcillas
2 black puddings
2 salchichas picantes
2 spicy sausages
1 cabeza de ajos
1 head of garlic
1 cebolla
1 onion
Preparación / Preparation
Poner las habas en remojo toda la noche.
Soak the beans overnight.
Poner todos los ingredientes en una olla grande.
Place all the ingredients in a large pot.
Llenarla con agua una pulgada por encima de los ingredientes.
Fill it with water one inch above the ingredients.
Tapa la olla y cocina hasta que las judías estén tiernas.
Cover the pot and cook until the beans are tender.
Puedes añadir una hoja de laurel para darle un toque picante.
You can add a bay leaf for a spicy touch.
3. Valencian black rice
The Valencian black rice recipe, as its name suggests, is one of the typical dishes of the region of Valencia. This is considered the capital of paellas and seafood. If you are a seafood lover, this is your chance to try them.
Ingredientes / Ingredients
1 libra de arroz
1 pound of rice
1,5 tazas de caldo de pescado
1.5 cups of fish broth
3 paquetes de tinta de calamar
3 packages of squid ink
1 libra de calamar o sepia
1 pound of squid or cuttlefish
2 dientes de ajo
2 cloves of garlic
1/2 taza de tomates
1/2 cup tomatoes
Unas cuantas hebras de azafrán
A few strands of saffron
1/3 de taza de aceite de oliva
1/3 cup olive oil
1/2 cucharadita de pimienta roja
1/2 teaspoon of red pepper
Preparación / Preparation
Calentar el caldo junto con la tinta de calamar.
Heat the broth together with the squid ink.
Mientras se calienta, sofreír el ajo en el aceite de oliva durante unos minutos.
While it´s heating, lightly fry the garlic in the olive oil for a few minutes.
Añadir el tomate bien picado y pelado.
Add the tomato, finely chopped and peeled.
Añadir la sepia y cocinar hasta que la textura se endurezca por fuera.
Add the cuttlefish and cook until the texture hardens on the outside.
Añadir el arroz, el azafrán y el pimiento después de mezclar el caldo y la tinta.
Add the rice, saffron, and bell pepper after mixing the broth and ink.
Dejar que se rehogue en la sartén antes de añadir el caldo.
Allow sautéing in the pan before adding the broth.
Verter el caldo en la sartén y cocinar durante 15 minutos.
Pour the broth into the pan and cook for 15 minutes.
El arroz debe estar un poco duro.
The rice should be a little hard.
Spanish recipes for life
Spanish speakers have an amazing passion and ancient wisdom, handling every aspect of life with tact and gentleness. Of course, each one with its distinct character, but together they are pure love. They taught me their Spanish recipes for life my favorite is joy.
Take every moment of your life and put passion into it, add some dance steps and a good song. See your fellow man with love and live as if there´s no after and no before. Create your own recipes in Spanish and keep testing this fabulous language!