We live in a very causative world. Everything is either the cause or consequence.
To learn about the very cause of anything, you need to ask “Pourquoi“.
Today, you’ll learn how to ask and answer this very common question in French.
How to Ask Questions with Pourquoi?
Pourquoi is an interrogative adverb, just like “when”, “where”, “why”,”how”. Pourquoi can be asked in several ways, at the beginning or at the end.
Placed at the beginning
Pourquoi tu es ici?
Why are you here?
Placed at the end
Tu es ici pourquoi?
You are here, why?
Pourquoi + est-ce que
Pourquoi est-ce que tu es ici?
Why are you here?
Pourquoi est-ce qu’ils sont en retard ?
Why are they late?
Pourquoi + passé composé
How to Answer Pourquoi
Parce que is a subordinating conjunction, and it can be in the beginning of a sentence; in the middle, or at the end. It introduces a cause, explanation, or motive. It basically explains why something is done.
Let’s see some examples
Je ne suis pas venu parce que mon fils est malade.
I didn’t come because my son is sick.
Parce qu’il n’a pas d’argent, il ne peut pas venir.
Because he doesn’t have any money, he can’t come.
Pourquoi in Affirmative Questions
Pourquoi is not only meant to be used in questions. It’s also possible to insert pourquoi inside the sentence.
Je vais d’abord expliquer pourquoi.
First, I will explain why I do so.
Tu es différente, voilà pourquoi.
Well, you’re different, that’s why.
To practice what you’ve learned, you can do this little exercise.
Pourquoi Expressions
Pourquoi Pas?
Why not?
Pourquoi Dit-On?
Why do we say this?
Why and Because
Why questions are one of the most asked questions in any language.
Once you know to use Pourquoi in French, you’ll be able to get deeper knowledge and satisfy your curious mind.