Symbols In Spanish Language

Key Facts

Symbols are non-verbal representations that convey complex ideas and facilitate communication across language barriers. The word symbol originates from Greek and Latin, emphasizing its historical significance in language. Symbols are composed of letters or signs and are used universally, lacking variations in plurality or accents. Different types of symbols include graphic, scientific, religious, national, and brand symbols, each serving unique communicative purposes. Learning how to express symbols in Spanish enhances communication and understanding, contributing to personal and cultural growth.

Are you trying to overcome communicational language barriers?

Symbols are representations, emblems, or allegories that express countless ideas!

Find out how to say symbols in Spanish language and assert your opinions!

The etymology of symbols in Spanish

The word symbol, whose plural is symbols, has its origin in two roots. It comes from the Greek σύμβoλoν– (symbolon-), composed of the words sin = with, together, and ballein = to throw. This term over time became the Latin symbŏlum-, giving rise to what we know today as símbolo / symbol.

So what is a symbol

A symbol is the creative and non-verbal expression of an idea or thought, through figurative, auditory, visual, or graphic elements. Generally, the symbol conveys complex ideas and involves a cultural process of assimilation and synthesis. That is to say, to transfer a concept and express it in non-verbal languages so that all the actors can understand it.

Symbols have real or imagined similarities with the signified. These conventional meanings transcend language barriers, enabling communication between millions of people.

Symbol composition

Since symbols are technical-scientific abbreviations with international validity, they are made up of letters or non-alphabetizable signs. Although we see the case of symbols that have not been fixed by standardization institutions, containing letters that limit their use to certain geographical areas. A clear example is the cardinal points, where O means West.

Symbolic language is written without dots, they do not have accents, and they do not have variations due to plurality. Depending on their nature, may begin with upper or lower case letters. They can also begin with an uppercase letter followed by an uppercase letter or an uppercase letter followed by a lowercase letter.

How symbols work

Every symbol that exists was once an idea, an abstract or complex thought that is difficult to express in everyday language. These representations operate at an unconscious and subconscious level, facilitating their understanding and communication.

They have enormous relevance in the educational and therapeutic field because they facilitate the processes of understanding and integration of reality. At the same time, they generate in the individual the sense of belonging to a socio-cultural group.

Symbols and their features

Let’s get to know the symbols and their features that differentiate them from other forms of communication.

  • Meaningful
  • Representative
  • Indivisible

Kinds of symbols

A great philosopher once said that science and images are obvious manifestations of intelligence. That is why in the history of humanity there are symbols everywhere, which are also different in structure, composition, and subject matter. These are the kinds of symbols that we know and with which you can go deeper into Spanish.

  • Graphic symbols: These are representations of ideas or sounds, according to the type of writing.
  • Scientific symbols: These graphic representations express materials, concepts, operations, and more.
  • Religious symbols: This is a universe of expressions that vary according to religion or spirituality.
  • National symbols: A set of auditory and visual signs that transmit the essence and values of a nation.
  • Brand symbols: Due to the large number of brands that exist in the market, the design and diffusion of their symbols are essential to be shown.

How to say symbols in Spanish language

When we delve a little deeper into the universe of symbols, we realize their enormous importance at a communicational level. An importance that is shared in educational and scientific fields. That is why now we want to show you how to say symbols in Spanish language so you can express yourself more freely.

Alegoría / Allegory

Alegoría is a feminine word that expresses the symbolic meaning of a representation’s elements. It is also a literary composition with a symbolic meaning.

Las espadas son alegorías de los pensamientos.

Swords are allegories of thoughts.

Él se vistió de negro por el luto de la muerte de ella y llevaba una rosa blanca en el pecho como una alegoría de la pureza de su amor.

He wore black to mourn her death and carried a white rose on his chest as an allegory of the purity of his love.

Anagrama / Anagram

This masculine word indicates the construction of a word based on the rearrangement of its letters. The expression anagrama is frequently used in Spanish-speaking countries. This kind of symbol is often seen in hobby books.

Con la palabra monja se crean los anagramas jamón y mojan.

The word monja is used to create the anagrams jamón and mojan.

Roma, una ciudad legendaria, era el anagrama perfecto para el amor.

Rome, a legendary city, was the perfect anagram for love.

Emblema / Emblem

The emblemas are figures used to represent ideas or things, some of them have a legend where their meaning is explained. The emblema is usually used as an insignia of a person, family, community, city, and others.

En los decretos reales aparece el emblema de la familia real.

The emblem of the royal family appears in the royal decrees.

El ave fénix es emblema de regeneración y resurgimiento.

The phoenix is an emblem of regeneration and resurgence.

Representación / Representation

Representación is an image, imitation, or symbol that transfers your thoughts to a certain subject or thing. It´s also an image, word, or sign with which a person can express thoughts or ideas. We frequently hear this term in Spanish-speaking countries, either in its singular or plural form ´representaciones´.

Llevaba siempre el cabello suelto como una representación de sus ideas y libre pensamiento.

He always wore his hair down as a representation of his ideas and free-thinking.

El secreto del número 3 6 9, representa la unidad entre el cuerpo, energía y espíritu.

The secret of the number 3 6 9, represents the unity between body, energy, and spirit.

Símbolo / Symbol

In all Spanish-speaking countries symbol is a frequently used word. It’s a masculine noun with the plural form símbolos / symbols. It’s used to indicate a representation.

La mujer es símbolo de amor, cuidado y protección.

The woman is a symbol of love, care, and protection.

La cruz celta y el árbol de la vida son símbolos espirituales muy poderosos.

The Celtic cross and the tree of life are very powerful spiritual symbols.

El símbolo del agua es H2O.

The symbol for water is H2O.

En el examen de matemáticas confundí el símbolo de división con el porcentaje y reprobé.

On the math test, I confused the division symbol with the percentage and failed.

A symbol of your commitment

The symbols language is so rich and rich in content, that it is difficult to know them. You would have to invest hours of study and analysis in each subject to learn them in depth. But this isn’t necessary, it’s enough to know the ones in general use to be able to connect with millions of people and their ideas.

What is not so difficult is to learn Spanish well and achieve high fluency. If you have already embarked on this path, we encourage you to continue with determination. Let your achievements be a symbol of your commitment to your personal growth!

Test your knowledge

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