In almost every language there are independent clauses and compound sentences.
For some people, compound structures sound like a difficult thing to learn just because of the “compound” word. However, let me tell you that, in Spanish, compound sentences are quite easy to use.
Some popular sentences into that group are the noun subordinate sentences.
Noun subordinate sentences are a great tool to replace a subject in a sentence. They help you sound well-spoken and, if you’re giving a conference, let me tell you that your audience will feel engaged.
For that reason, since they are a must-have tool for Spanish learners, we will teach you how to use them in this short explanation.
What are the noun subordinate sentences?
Noun subordinate sentences are just propositions that play the same role that nouns, pronouns, and nominal syntagms do in the main sentence. In other words, they can replace the subject.
A good example would be the sentence “Sabes que tengo razón” = (You know I’m right).
The part of the sentence “…que tengo razón” would be the subordinate one and play the subject role.
Just like any other subordinate sentence, noun subordinate sentences may have verbs, subjects, and many other complements.
However, they depend on the hierarchy. After all, in Spansish subordinate sentences, the main sentence has a higher hierarchy than the subordinate one. Also, they are connected by a nexus word like “que” or a verb in the infinitive form.
Let’s see another example to understand this better:
No vale la pena pedir perdón a esta altura.
It’s not worth apologizing at this point
In this case, you may realize that the subordinate sentence would be “pedir perdón” and starts with a verb in the infinitive form.
How to identify them?
There are a few things you should keep in mind to identify noun subordinate sentences. First, they are always introduced by a connector or a verb in the infinitive form.
Some connectors Spanish speakers typically use are: “que” and “a”. For example, if you say “¿Quieres que vaya a tu casa?” = (Do you want me to go to your house), the subordinate sentence starts with the connector word “que”.
On the other side, an example with a verb in the infinitive form would be “Juan quiere ir de viaje.” = (Juan wants to go on a trip.)
The second and last thing you should keep in mind when identifying noun subordinate sentences is that they can be replaced by a demonstrative neutral pronoun.
Some Spanish demonstrative neutral pronouns are: “eso” and “aquello”.
Let’s see the following examples:
Esto es beneficioso para el espíritu.
This is beneficial for the spirit.
¿Quieres eso?
Do you want that?
How to build a noun subordinate sentence
There are four elements we could use to introduce a subordinate sentence of this kind.
First, a connector word like “que” or “si”. Second, a verb in the indicative or infinitive form. Third, interrogatory adverbials or pronouns. And fourth, relative pronouns.
Let’s see some examples for each case to get a clear picture:
Le pidió que llegara temprano al teatro.
He asked her to come to the theater early.
Me pregunto si lloverá esta noche.
I wonder if it will rain tonight.
A Juan le encanta comer chocolate.
Juan loves to eat chocolate.
Dijo que es mejor si pedimos permiso para salir temprano de clases.
He said that it is better if we ask for permission to leave class early..
Nadie sabe dónde estuvo aquella noche.
No one knows where he was that night.
El que corre más rápido es el ganador de la carrera.
The one who runs the fastest is the winner of the race.
How to use noun subordinate sentences
In Spanish, subordinate sentences can play several roles. In that case, the roles that noun subordinate sentences may play are listed below:
Sujeto (Subject)
Complemento directo (Direct Complement)
Aposición (Apposition)
Complemento indirecto (Indirect Complement)
Complemento Circunstancial (Circumstantial Complement)
Término de complemento Agente (Agent complement term)
Complemento régimen (Regime Complement).
Complemento preposicional de sustantivos, adjetivos y adverbios. (Prepositional complement of nouns, adjectives, and adverbials).
With all of these strange names, you may be thinking “What are they talking about?”. Although the roles of these sentences have “complex” names, there’s nothing to be afraid of.
Below, you’ll find some examples for each case that will show you how simple using these sentences is.
Beber alcohol aquí no está permitido. (Subject)
Drinking alcohol here is not allowed.
Me dijiste que se había arrepentido. (Direct Complement)
You told me he had regretted it.
Mi hermana, la que vive en Tandil, está embarazada. (Apposition)
My sister, the one who lives in Tandil, is pregnant.
Multarán a los que no tengan la licencia al día. (Indirect Complement)
They will fine those who do not have the license up to date.
No saldremos hasta que no termines tu tarea. (Circumstantial Complement)
We’re not leaving until you finish your homework.
Fue informado de la noticia por el que había sido su mejor amigo. (Agent complement term)
He was informed of the news by what had been his best friend.
Confío en que sabrás actuar con prudencia. (Regime Complement).
I trust that you will know how to act with prudence.
Está cansado de que le digan mentiras. (Prepositional complement)
He is tired of being told lies.
Now you have a better appreciation of how noun subordinate sentences look, we will explain just a few more things.
The first thing you need to know is that when you have an apposition, it always goes between two commas. You can remove it and the main sentence will not lose its meaning. Nevertheless, appositions are good to provide more detailed information.
Another thing you should keep in mind is that, as you may notice, in general, the connector word we use is “que” but the word “si” is also a good alternative.
The connector “si” is even better than “que” when you want to use a noun subordinate sentence as a circumstantial complement.
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Spanish subordinate sentences
In summary, this is all you need to know about noun subordinate sentences.
Nonetheless, you have to practice in order to achieve success. Otherwise, becoming proficient at speaking Spanish can become a hill up.
Don’t forget that subordinate sentences help you communicate better and will enhance your speaking in a professional way.