Looking for funny, insightful, or wise quotes in Spanish?
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Enjoy the best selection of quotes on Spanish language!
About quotes
At first glance, it seems only the act of saying textually the expressed idea of others in quotation marks. But it is much more than that, it even has some rules, in case you want to use them. So let’s delve into everything you may not know about quotes.
Quoting is to reproduce in one’s speech, a part of the human expression respecting its original statement. They must be in quotation marks and underneath place the name of the person who said it.
Kinds of quotations
They are faithful and exact transcriptions of whole sentences. This includes accuracy in spelling and punctuation as in the original. Regardless of any errors you have, these should be included as well.
Paraphrasing or ideological quotations
Taking the main idea of a sentence and quoting it in your own words.
- Fidelity and accuracy.
- It must be enclosed in quotation marks.
- Include the author’s data.
- The year and page number from which the quotation was taken.
What are quotations for?
- Giving credit to the authors of ideas we share or use in a work.
- Linking a current work or situation with a previous one.
- Making it easier for readers to find the source.
- Understanding the idea.
- Locating specific data.
How to quote
- Place the phrase in quotation marks in your text.
- Identify the author.
- Identify the document from which the quotation was taken.
- Add the year of publication.
- Indicate the exact page.
Top 10 Spanish quotes
There are some ways to classify quotes, by their accuracy and by their approach. In these top 10 Spanish quotes, we have included several of them.
Undoubtedly, they are the purest expression of thoughts, ideologies, and feelings of Hispanics. Once you understand the context, you will be able to use them commonly as a native speaker does.
1. About life
It isn´t uncommon for Hispanics to use quotes about life in their everyday conversations. Their fire and passion for life allow them to understand and pass on their learning experiences to new generations. A kind of Hispanic heritage.
“Al mal tiempo, buena cara”
“To bad weather, good face”
Face difficulties with good cheer. It is not so much the situation, but the attitude with which you face it.
“Más vale pájaro en mano que cien volando”
“A bird in the hand is better than a hundred in the air”
Focus on what you already have. Being greedy could lead you to have nothing.
2. Motivational
“El que no arriesga, no gana”
“No risk, no gain”
Every gain implies a risk, for example, the risk of stepping out of your comfort zone and betting on yourself. If you don’t, you will never know what you are capable of.
“La acción es la clave fundamental para todo éxito”
“Action is the fundamental key to all success”
It could be compared to the biblical phrase “faith without work is dead”. That is, he who doesn´t work for what he wants doesn´t achieve his goals.
3. Love
“El amor todo lo puede”
“Love conquers all”
Through love, you can achieve anything. Vibrating in the frequency of pure and unconditional love is all you need.
“La belleza que atrae rara vez coincide con la belleza que enamora”
“The beauty that attracts rarely matches the beauty to fall in love”
You can meet people you are very attracted to physically, but you will really fall in love with the essence, not the looks.
4. Briefs
“Más vale prevenir que lamentar”
“Better safe than sorry”
Rather than bear the consequences of your bad actions, it´s better to avoid them.
“A lo hecho, pecho”
“To what is done, chest”
Courageously assume the consequences of your actions. You cannot change the past, but you can change your present and your future.
5. Fun
“El amor es como Don Quijote: Cuando recobra el juicio, está a punto de morir”
“Love is like Don Quixote: When it regains its judgment, it’s about to die”
Love has its touches of madness. If love is not mad, it isn´t love, it´s dead.
“Dame pan y dime tonto”
“Give me bread and call me a fool”
I don’t care what you think of me, as long as I get what I want from you.
Spanish quotes
Spanish quotes are full of fun, black humor, and even double meanings. Each country adds a special touch, depending on its slang. However, they all understand each other.
And this is very important, being able to understand each other even if it´s through strange phrases. Strange because for English speakers they could be meaningless without the proper preamble to get into context. While for Spanish speakers they are quite normal.
Mastering a second language means making yourself understood as a member of the family. Use Spanish quotes and see how your life changes!