The passive voice is used to avoid mentioning the subject in the sentence and instead place the emphasis on the person or thing affected by the action. One could also use the passive when the subject of the sentence is unknown or not important. If the subject is mentioned, it is introduced by the prepositions par or de.
When to use the Voix Passive
Most sentences in French are formed using the active voice, they focus on who or what is performing the action, so, the subject of the sentence.
On the other hand, the passive voice focuses on who or what is affected by the action in the sentence. The subject is not always mentioned in a passive sentence, either because it is unknown or not very important.
Le blessé est conduit à l’hôpital.
The injured is taken to the hospital.
Using “par” and “de” with the Passive Voice
The agent of the sentence is often introduced by par (in English can be translated to by).
Un homme a été renversé par une voiture.
A man was hit by a car.
Les fleurs ont été plantées par Paul.
The flowers were planted by Paul.
J’ai été poursuivie par quelqu’un.
I was chased by someone.
If the sentence with the Passive Voice is used to express a state or a feeling, the preposition you would need to use is the preposition de to introduce the agent(it can be translated to by in English)
Le président n’est pas estimé de la plupart des gens.
The president isn’t esteemed by most people.
Daniel est aimé de tous.
Daniel is loved by all.
Le chateaux est entourée d’une magnifique pelouse verte.
The castle is surrounded by a magnificent green lawn.
Now you know everything about the Passive Voice
As we come to the end of this lesson on the French Passive Voice, we hope that this complex subject is becoming simpler to understand. We know that it can get a little confusing, but that is why with these grammar tips, examples, and definitions, you’re ready to use the Passive Voice as a native French speaker.
Learn more about How to form the Passive Voice in French