Conjugating German verbs whose verb stem end with t, d, z, ss, ß, s or x

verbs with verb stem ending t, d, s, z, ß, ss, x 2

Key Facts

German verbs with stems ending in t or d require an extra -e- before the endings in the second and third person singular and second person plural. Examples of such verbs include arbeiten, verbinden, and antworten, all of which follow this conjugation rule. For stems ending in z, ss, ß, s, or x, the second person singular uses -t instead of -st. Examples of these verbs include ächten, hassen, and putzen, which are conjugated regularly. Repetition and revision are crucial for mastering German; reviewing previous lessons helps reinforce vocabulary and grammar rules.

You’ve already learned how to conjugate regular and irregular German verbs. However, even among the German verbs with regular conjugation, there are some verbs for which a small extra rule applies – these are the verbs whose verb stem ends in t, d, z, ss, ß, s or x.

German verbs with a verb stem ending in t or d

Let’s start with those verbs whose verb stem ends in t or d. Can you think of any? Here are some examples:

  • arbeiten – to work
  • verbinden – to connect
  • melden – to report, to announce
  • lauten – to sound, to be called
  • finden – to find
  • antworten – to answer
  • bieten – to offer
  • binden – to bind
  • bitten – to ask, to plead
  • heiraten – to marry

You may ask yourself how you can determine the verb stem of German verbs. For regular verbs this is quite easy: note that all verbs above end with “-en“. The ending “-en” is the infinitive marker for German verbs, so the verb stem is everything that comes before.

For German verbs whose verb stem ends in t or d, the following rule applies: When conjugating the verb according to the rules for regular verbs, an extra “-e-” is added before the regular verb endings in the second and third person singular as well as the second person plural.

The rule applies to verb conjugation in the present tense.

This is an example of verb conjugation of a verb ending in d:

ich leide I’m suffering
du leidest you’re suffering
er/sie/es leidet he/she/it is suffering
wir leiden we’re suffering
ihr leidet you’re suffering
sie leiden they’re suffering

The same rule applies to verbs whose stem ends in t:

ich berichte I’m reporting
du berichtest you’re reporting
er/sie/es berichtet he/she/it is reporting
wir berichten we’re reporting
ihr berichtet you’re reporting
sie berichten they’re reporting

The reason for inserting this extra “-e- becomes quite obvious when you try pronouncing the affected verb forms without the “-e-“: You’ll quickly notice that this would be very difficult, if not impossible!

Here are some example sentences of verbs whose stem ends in t or d:

Du achtest Peter sehr.

You respect Peter a lot.

Ihr betet jeden Tag.

You all are praying every day.

Schau mal, Anton blutet!

Look, Anton is bleeding.

Du erfindest interessante Geschichten.

You’re making up interesting stories.

Sie empfindet mein Verhalten als unhöflich.

She experiences my behaviour as rude.

Ihr bildet euch.

You all are educating yourselves.

German verbs whose stems end with z, ss, ß, s or x

Do you know any German verbs whose stems end with z, ss, ß, s, or x? Here are a few examples of commonly used verbs, although by far not an exhaustive list:

  • ächzen – to groan
  • hassen – to hate
  • (sich etwas) anmaßen – to arrogate (something for oneself)
  • sitzen – to sit
  • putzen – to clean
  • bremsen – to brake
  • dösen – to snooze
  • faxen – to send a fax
  • boxen – to box
  • heißen – to be named

Verbs whose stem ends in z, ss, ß, s, or x are conjugated regularly. However, in the second person singular, they add a “-t instead of an “-st” as verb ending.

Have a look at this example conjugation of the verb “faulenzen“:

ich faulenze I’m lazing around
du faulenzt you’re lazing around
er/sie/es faulenzt he/she/it is lazing around
wir faulenzen we’re lazing around
ihr faulenzt you’re lazing around
sie faulenzen they’re lazing around

Here are some more example sentences with verbs whose stem ends in z, ss, ß, s, or x:

Du jauchzt vor Freude.

You’re cheering out of joy.

Du beeinflusst mich.

You’re influencing me.

Du grüßt nie deine Nachbarn.

You never greet your neighbors.

Was grinst du so?

Why are you grinning like this?

Ich bin so enttäuscht, dass du immer noch fixt.

I’m so disappointed that you’re still shooting drugs.

Did you know that Germany has a serious drug problem? Although the country itself might have a good reputation, the German government struggles desperately to get its people away from drugs.

Don’t forget to repeat and revise

This lesson’s study tip is all about repetition – now that you’ve learned quite a bit of German, can you still remember all the basics from the very beginning? If not, it might be wise to take time to go back to old vocabulary and former lessons, to refresh your memory.

If you don’t know where to start with revising, check out some revision tips for language students. Or just go through each previous lesson one by one, and when you notice that a grammar rule or some vocabulary doesn’t sound familiar anymore, make sure to spend time revising that particular lesson.


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