Are you studying for your AP Spanish test?
Want to know which words are important for the quiz?
Memorize and practice this AP Spanish Language and Culture vocabulary list!
About the AP Spanish vocabulary list
It’s not enough to take Spanish lessons for several months or even years if you don’t know what to focus on for test day. It´s practically impossible, unless you are super gifted, to memorize all the Spanish phrases and expressions in that time. What’s more, not even a native speaker would be able to do it.
That’s why we recommend you about the AP Spanish vocabulary list, to add these word lists to your daily conversations. We will explain a little about how to use them and by doing so you will have a better chance of getting a 5.
Transition words in AP Spanish
These are some transition words in AP Spanish. They are very helpful when completing the written tasks on the AP Spanish test. Give meaning and value to your essays.
- Además / moreover
El español es muy apasionado. Además, es gramaticalmente rico.
Spanish is very passionate. Moreover, it is grammatically rich.
- Desarrollar / to develop
En el examen AP debo desarrollar varios temas.
In the AP exam, I have to develop several topics.
- En cambio / in contrast
Tú tomas café por las mañanas. En cambio, yo bebo té de menta.
You drink coffee in the morning. In contrast, I drink mint tea.
- Igualmente / similarly
Queremos agradecer a nuestra audiencia. Igualmente, agradecer a nuestros patrocinantes.
We would like to thank our audience. Similarly, we would like to thank our sponsors.
- No obstante / nevertheless
Él dijo que se iría pronto. No obstante, se quedó para simpre.
He said he would be leaving soon. Nevertheless, he stayed forever.
- Por ejemplo / for example
Practica el perdón. Por ejemplo, perdonarte a ti mismo por tus errores.
Practice forgiveness. For example, forgive yourself for your mistakes.
Power verbs
If you want to impress evaluators, include these power verbs in your vocabulary. You’ll see what a great impression you make in your conversations.
- Adquirir / to acquire
Desde ese momento se propuso adquirir un nuevo libro cada mes.
From that moment on, he set out to acquire a new book every month.
- Comprobar / to prove
Comprobar la existencia de Dios es una decisión muy personal que conlleva a la expansión de la conciencia.
Proving the existence of God is a very personal decision that leads to the expansion of consciousness.
- Concordar / agree
Los sabios concuerdan en una ley universal “trata a tus semejantes como deseas ser tratado”.
Wise men agree on a universal law “treat your fellow man as you wish to be treated”.
- Destacar / to stand out
Deja que tu luz interior te haga destacar entre el resto.
Let your inner light make you stand out from the rest.
- Merecer / to deserve
A veces olvidamos que merecemos lo mejor.
Sometimes we forget that we deserve the best.
- Perdurar / to remain
Aunque nuestro cuerpo perezca, nuestro espíritu perdurará por siempre.
Though our body may perish, our spirit will remain forever.
- Señalar / to point out
Ella señaló en dirección al norte y dijo que iría por ese camino.
She pointed out in a northerly direction and said she would go that way.
Topic Words in AP Spanish
The AP Spanish test has six main themes that encompass all of the content. You must master these most important topic words in AP Spanish before you take it.
1. Beauty and aesthetics
- La moda / style
No debes seguir las modas de otras personas, sino usar lo que te haga sentir cómodo contigo mismo.
You should not follow other people’s style, but wear what makes you feel comfortable with yourself.
- Agraciada / attractive
Las personas más agraciadas son las que irradian amor.
The most attractive people are those who radiate love.
- El equilibrio / balance
Ante las situaciones difíciles es necesario mantener el equilibrio y no dejarse derrumbar.
In difficult situations, it is necessary to maintain balance and not let oneself collapse.
- El tratamiento / treatment
El mejor tratamiento para la ansiedad es la meditación.
The best treatment for anxiety is meditation.
- La armonía / harmony
No dejes que nada ni nadie te haga perder la armonía dentro de tu hogar.
Don’t let anyone or anything make you lose harmony in your home.
2. Contemporary life
- Desempleo / unemployment
La reducción del desempleo es una política mundial fundamental.
Reducing unemployment is a key global policy.
- El crimen / crime
El crimen es un obstáculo al desarrollo social.
Crime is an obstacle to social development.
- La pobreza / poverty
La pobreza es un flagelo que agobia la mayoría de la población.
Poverty is a scourge that burdens the majority of the population.
- Trabajo comunitario / community work
El trabajo comunitario pertenece al currículo escolar de secundaria.
Community work belongs to the secondary school curriculum.
3. Families and communities
- El patrimonio / heritage
Una vida libre de violencia es el patrimonio más valioso que podemos dejar a nuestros hijos.
A life free of violence is the most valuable heritage we can leave to our children.
- Las raíces / roots
No debemos olvidar nuestras raíces culturales.
We must not forget our cultural roots.
Los valores / values
Los valores definen nuestra sociedad.
Values define our society.
- Portarse bien / behave well
Los niños deben portarse bien con o sin la presencia de sus padres.
Children should behave well with or without their parents present.
4. Global Challenges
- El desafío / challenge
El mayor desafío de las políticas actuales es erradicar la discriminación.
The biggest challenge of current policies is to eradicate discrimination.
- El pronóstico / forecast
El pronóstico del clima indica que lloverá mañana.
The weather forecast calls for rain tomorrow.
- Infraestructura / Infraestructure
Los países tercermundistas sufren el deterioro progresivo de su infraestructura.
Third-world countries suffer from the progressive deterioration of their infrastructure.
- La natalidad / birthrate
En China ha disminuido la natalidad porque los jóvenes no quieren tener hijos.
In China, the birthrate has declined because young people do not want to have children.
La población / population
El año pasado hubo una lamentable e importante disminución de la población mundial.
Last year there was an unfortunate and significant decline in the world’s population.
5. Personal and public identities
- Creencias personales / personal belifs
Las creencias personales pueden obstaculizar el propio crecimiento.
Personal beliefs can hinder one’s growth.
- El filántropo / philantropist
El abogado es filántropo en la violencia de género.
The lawyer is a philanthropist in gender violence.
- El líder / leader
Para ser un buen líder hay que guiar con el ejemplo.
To be a good leader you have to lead by example.
- La autoestima / self-esteem
El desarrollo de la autoestima implica sanar las heridas emocionales.
Self-esteem development involves healing emotional wounds.
- La identidad étnica / ethnic identity
La identidad étnica es un derecho humano fundamental.
Ethnic identity is a fundamental human right.
6. Science and Technology
- Avances científicos / scientific advancements
Gracias a los avances científicos, ahora puedes insertar información a tu cerebro desde un ordenador.
Thanks to scientific advances, you can now insert information into your brain from a computer.
- El progreso / progress
El progreso no será sostenible, si no cuidamos el ambiente.
Progress will not be sustainable if we do not take care of the environment.
- El sitio web / website
El sitio web debe tener un diseño responsivo.
The website must have a responsive design.
- La informática / computer science
Una de las carreras con mayor demanda es la informática.
computer science is one of the most in-demand careers.
- Predecir / to predict
Los algoritmos pueden predecir tus búsquedas futuras.
Algorithms can predict your future searches.
A big step forward
While this AP Spanish vocabulary list is not extensive, it is a big step forward. If you want to go a little deeper, focus on grammar and essential elements of Hispanic culture.
Analyze the different jargon of Spanish, through music, movies, novels, TV shows, books, social networks, and magazines. Start building your formal and informal Spanish vocabulary today!