If you know a little Spanish, learning some Spanish riddles and playing with a Spanish-speaking friend are fantastic ways to practice.
Learning Spanish riddles
1. Negra por dentro, negra por fuera, es mi corazón negra madera.
English: Black inside, black outside, is my black heartwood.
This is a great starter riddle because it translates seamlessly into the English language. Remember, we’re talking about food here. Take a look at each line of this puzzle. Wait to peek; the solutions are all at the bottom.
This one can be resolved. When you have finished the puzzles, write down your best guess and compare it to my solutions.
2. Me han referido como el pájaro en.
English: I’ve been referred to as the bird on
English wasn’t much of a help to us in this situation. Look at this puzzle very carefully. Do you see how the letter “ll” appears more than once? That is a hint that your response has all.
You can also infer that ave is a hint because this riddle is about food, not birds. I will not assist you more or ruin the fun on this one.
3. En mi mano, estoy sosteniendo algo. No es oro. No es plata, no lo es. es que?
English: In my hand, I’m holding something. It is not gold. Not silver, it’s not. It is what?
Warning: it isn’t bronze. The riddle contains the solution.
Many words in Spanish have similar sounds and appearances but entirely different meanings. The riddle contains the solution. Start separating words together to see if you can create new Spanish words.
4. Todos saben cómo abrir una pequeña caja blanca como el yeso, pero nadie sabe cómo cerrarla.
English: Everyone knows how to open a small box as white as plaster, but no one can figure out how to close it.
I won’t offer you any hints for this one. I might have already given you a hint if you were paying attention. Unlike some other riddles, this one does not include the solution. Think creatively, no pun intended.
5. Somos increíblemente fríos, ya los niños les encantan nuestros sabores porque tenemos mucho frío.
English: We’re incredibly cold, and the kids love our flavors because we’re so cold.
Like riddle #4, this puzzle has yet to have a clear solution. Simply read it over in English and look at the hints. Because it doesn’t rely on specific grammatical or vernacular hints, this riddle can be solved in various languages.
6. Cuanto más fresca y crujiente es, más caliente es.
English: The fresher and crunchier it is, the hotter it is.
This is a fantastic illustration of a term with two meanings. Fresco in Spanish can imply either “fresh” or “crisp,” where crisp here usually denotes the current weather (the crisp air).
Fresco typically refers to how chilly or brisk the air is. Therefore, this puzzle in Spanish plays on the contrast between Caliente (hot) and fresco (crisp). But therein lies the hint.
7. Verde por fuera y blanco por dentro. Espera mientras te explico qué es si quieres.
English: Green on the outside and white on the inside. Wait while I explain to you what it is if you want.
Since it instructs you to wait until the conclusion, this puzzle might appear to need something, but it isn’t. Right in front of you is everything you require.
Similar to riddle #3, experiment with other word combinations. Do your research; this one is cunning. If you’re like me, you’ll feel smart and successful once you find it. Because it’s so cunning, this is an excellent story to share with native speakers!
8. ¿Quién es la esposa del quesero, exactamente?
English: Who is the cheesemaker’s wife,
There are a few methods to solve this puzzle, which makes it one of my favorites. The first tip is to remember that Spanish genders differ from English.
The second tip I keep mentioning is to combine and separate words. My favorite riddle is this one because the topic is cheesemakers, which I like.
9. Dime: ¿Quién es esta cosa que es de color y no toma té ni café?
English: Tell me: Who is this thing that is colored and doesn’t drink tea or coffee?
The number of T sounds in the first line of this riddle makes it almost as tongue-twister-like as it is. Why don’t you read it out loud like a tongue twister? As quickly as you can, read it. Faster. Faster. Do you now hear the response?
10. Lo único en mi cuerpo es un juego de dientes blancos, y tengo una cabeza redonda sin nariz, ojos o frente.
English: The only thing on my body is a set of white teeth, and I have a round head without a nose, eyes, or forehead.
Another puzzle that reads well in both English language and Spanish is this one. You can make your buddy’s puzzle over this one in two languages. What is a fruit that is entirely formed of white teeth? That sounds risky.
Knowing that Diente in Spanish usually refers to one little piece of the enigmatical “fruit” in question is helpful.
Your Spanish riddle answers
1. Aceituna (Olive)
2. Avellana (Hazelnut)
The words ave and Llana, which can be found in Avellana, are used in the riddle.
3. Plátano (Plantain/Banana)
Silver or gold has nothing to do with plantains. Plantain, though, is what you get when you combine the terms Plata and no. Who would have guessed?
4. Huevo (Egg)
5. Helado (Ice Cream)
6. Pan (Bread)
7. Pera (Pear)
As I mentioned above, Espera means “wait,” but es pera is sneaky, which means “it is a pear.”
8. Quesera (Cheese dish or cheesemaker)
Espera is a word that means “wait,” as I indicated above, but es pera is a cunning one that means “it is a pear.”
9. Tomate (Tomato)
You combine two words to come up with this response, just like the others. Toma té becomes tomate when combined into one word.
10. Ajo (Garlic)
You now have a better understanding of how Spanish riddles are often constructed. Go out and look up more riddles and the solutions to them. Maintain a rigorous mental routine while you play; your Spanish language will advance more quickly!
Spanish tongue twisters
- Tres tristes tigres tragaban trigo en un trigal.
English: Three sad tigers swallowed wheat in a wheat field. - Un perro rompe la rama del árbol.
English: A dog breaks a tree branch. - Buscaba el bosque Francisco, un vasco bizco, muy brusco, y al verlo le dijo un chusco, ¿Busca el bosque, vasco bizco?
English: Francisco, a cross-eyed Basque, very brusque, was looking for the forest, and when he saw him, he said to him a chusco, Are you looking for the forest, cross-eyed Basque? - Pancha plancha con cuatro planchas. ¿Con cuántas planchas Pancha plancha?
English: Pancha plancha with four plates. How many irons does Pancha iron with? - Cuando cuentes cuentos, cuenta cuantos cuentos cuentas, cuando cuentes cuentos.
English: When you tell stories, count how many stories you count.