Spanish prepositions: “Con…”, “Sin…”

con sin featured 1

Key Facts

Con and sin are essential Spanish prepositions meaning "with" and "without," respectively, used to construct coherent sentences. Prepositions do not change for gender or number, making them consistent in usage across different contexts. "Con" can express means, circumstances, conditions, and contrasts, enhancing the meaning of sentences. "Sin" denotes a lack of something and can also imply negation when used before an infinitive verb. Understanding and using these prepositions correctly is crucial for effective communication in Spanish.

Today you will learn about 2 of the most common Spanish prepositions: con, and sin.

These are just part of a big list of prepositions that we will teach you gradually.

Prepositions never suffer grammar changes or accidents. They have neither gender (feminine or masculine) nor number (singular or plural).

The use of prepositions is mandatory in the construction of correct and coherent sentences.

Let’s keep reading!

con y sin español (1)

How to use prepositions “con” and “sin”

These are sister prepositions. They mean “with” and “without” in English!

We show you a list of uses for each of them with some examples:


  • Means, mode, or the instrument used to do something:

Él lo hizo con sus propias manos.

He did it with his prodigious hands.

Esta es la receta con la que me gusta hacer pasteles.

This is the recipe I like to make cakes with.

Con un balde lleno de agua él pudo limpiar su casa.

With a bucket full of water he was able to clean his house.

  • Interposed to the infinitive:

Con hablar, se arreglan los problemas.

By talking, problems are solved.

Con exponer de format clara la situación, se puede llegar a esclarecer la verdad.

By explaining the situation clearly, the truth can be clarified.

Con llorar, no solucionas nada.

By crying, you solve nothing.

  • It expresses the circumstances of something that is executed or happens:

Él lo hizo con mucho esfuerzo.

He did it with a lot of effort.

Con las ansias locas que lo caracterizaban, era muy difícil que llegara a alcanzar sus metas. 

With the crazy anxieties that characterized him, it was very difficult for him to reach his goals.

Con tantos problemas que le aquejaban, siempre salía adelante.

With so many problems that afflicted him, he always came out ahead.

  • In spite of:

Con ser tan enfermo, irradia una bonita energía.

With being so sick, he radiates beautiful energy.

Con tener tanta plata, nunca ha dejado de ser noble.

With so much money, he has never ceased to be noble.

Con su caótica vida, siempre se le ve optimista.

With his chaotic life, he is always optimistic.

  • Contrast what is said in an exclamation with an expressed or implied reality:

¡Con lo habladora que era con sus amigos y ahora es muy silenciosa!

How talkative she was with his friends and now she is very silent!

¡Con lo divertido que era y ahora es un hombre muy serio!

How funny he was and now he is a very serious man!

¡Con lo osado que era y ahora todo le da miedo!

How daring he was and now he is afraid of everything!

  • Together and in the company of someone:

A mí me gusta tomar café con leche.

I like to drink coffee with milk.

Mis mejores vacaciones son siempre con mi familia.

My best vacations are always with my family.

¡Cómo me gusta celebrar mi cumpleaños con mis amigos!

I like to celebrate my birthday with my friends so much!

  • Expresses condition:

Often used followed by a sentence introduced by “que” or by an infinitive.

Con que aprendas la lección, pasarás el examen.

You just need to learn the lesson and you will pass the test.

Con que camines tres veces por semana, serás más saludable.

Only by walking three times a week, you will be healthier.

Con que leas mucho, aprenderás a escribir mejor.

By reading a lot, you will learn better writing.

con español


  • Denotes lack or want of something:

Sin dinero, no podremos ir muy lejos.

We won’t be able to go very far without money.

No puedes salir a la calle sin documentos.

You can’t go out on the street without documents.

La vida es mejor sin problemas.

Life is easier without problems.

  • Outside of or in addition to:

En mi maleta llevo mucha ropa, sin mencionar los zapatos.

In my luggage, I carry a lot of clothes, without saying anything about the shoes.

Compré muchos vegetables en el mercado, sin mencionar las frutas.

In the market, I bought a lot of vegetables, without saying anything about the fruits.

Tengo muchas cosas que comer, sin mencionar los dulces.

I have a lot of things to eat, without saying anything about the sweets.

  • Before an infinitive verb, it is equivalent to “no”:

Me fui sin verlo a él, y eso era lo que más quería.

I left without seeing him, and it was what I wanted most.

Él se fue sin comer, porque creyó que recibiría un gran festín.

He left without eating because he thought he would receive a gigantic feast.

Me voy al trabajo sin dormir, porque anoche no pude dormir.

I’m going to work without sleeping because I couldn’t sleep last night.

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Contigo o sin tí

This phrase means, “with or without you” in Spanish.

We use “con” together with the pronouns “me” and “you” in the same word:


With you


With me

Let’s continue learning as many prepositions as possible. They are very important in the Spanish language.

Without prepositions, your sentences will lack sense and meaning. We use them with verbs and with all kinds of words.

Keep it up!

Test your knowledge

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