Spanish expressions: “Se ve que…”, “se nota que…”

spanish expressions se nota que 1

Key Facts

Impersonal Expressions: Using phrases like "se ve que" and "se nota que" helps convey messages politely and formally in Spanish. Conjugation Rules: Always conjugate verbs in the third person singular or plural when using the impersonal "se". Sentence Structure: The formula for using "se nota que" involves the structure: "se nota que" + subject + verb (indicative) + complement. Negative Forms: The negative forms "no se nota que" and "no se ve que" are commonly used to emphasize the absence of evidence. Question Formation: Both expressions can form polite questions, with the negative form often used for emphasis.

When speaking Spanish, saying something in an impersonal way can help you sound more polite. Consequently, learning how to use impersonal expressions has become essential.

The most basic way to build an impersonal phrase is using “se”. “Se ve que” and “se nota que” are two Spanish phrases native speakers often use to express “it’s evident that”.

Although translation tools say “se ve que” and “se nota que” are “it looks like”, they aren’t as they leave no room for doubts.

Using these Spanish phrases has become a bit controversial among Spanish learners. For that reason, we will show you how to use them properly in this short explanation.

Keep reading and let your Spanish reach a whole new level.

How to use the impersonal “se”

We can use the impersonal “se” with almost any verb.

As we said, it helps us build impersonal phrases and sentences so we can give any message we need to be a bit formal and polite.

Native speakers often use the impersonal during their daily conversations. And, even more, if they are part of the chief staff of a company. After all, using an impersonal vocabulary makes you sound like you’re making suggestions or giving advice.

In an impersonal sentence, there’s no subject but the whole group or everybody depending on the context. However, we still need to conjugate the verb following “se”.

No matter what verb we use after “se”, we will always conjugate it in the third person singular or plural.

To refresh your mind, we will show you how to conjugate “hablar” using the third person in the present tense:

Verb conjugation
Hablar To talk
Él/Ella/Usted habla He/She/You (formal) talks/talk
Ellos/Ellas/Ustedes hablan They/You (plural) talk

To build impersonal sentences, we can use not only the present tense but the past and future tense. So, choosing the time tense will depend on what you want to express.

The impersonal form of “hablar” would be “se habla” or “se hablan”.

Here are some other examples so you can get a better idea of how to use the impersonal “se”:

Se ve que estudias mucho. Por lo tanto, debes obtener buenas notas.

It looks like you study a lot. Therefore, you must get good grades.

En esta casa se habla español.

Spanish is spoken in this house.

Se nota que estás cansado. Deberías tomar una siesta.

It is obvious that you are tired. You should take a nap.

How to use “se nota que”

As we previously mentioned, we use “se nota que” as an equivalent to “it’s clear/evident that”. Still, some dictionaries and translation tools may suggest it’s equivalent to “it shows that”.

Sometimes, we can even use “se nota que” to express “to realize”. Using “se nota que” will suggest that you need no proof about what you’re saying because they are all in front of you. Of course, that may also be in a figurative way.

Building sentences with “se nota que” is simple. Usually, we use the formula shown below:

“Se nota que” + subject + verb (indicative) + complement.

The subject is generally implicit in the context or omitted because of the verb conjugation. If you conjugate the verb in the infinitive form, it would play the role of a noun. And, you would talk about the action itself.

Let’s see some examples:

Se nota que has estado haciendo ejercicios. Estás más fuerte.

It’s evident that you have been exercising. You are stronger

Se nota que estás practicando español. Ahora, hablas más fluido.

It’s obvious that you are practicing Spanish. Now, you speak more fluently.

Se nota que hablar está prohibido en la biblioteca. Mira, a Carlos le llamaron la atención.

It is noted that talking is prohibited in the library. Look, they scolded Carlos.

No obtuviste el resultado que esperabas pero se nota que te has esforzado mucho.

You did not get the result you expected but it’s evident that you have worked hard.

Please note that we can use conjunctions like “pero” together with “se nota que”. “Pero” will help you introduce other ideas that often are contrary to the first thing said.

The negative form of “se nota que” would be “no se nota que”. Nonetheless, using that structure isn’t common at all. Native speakers usually build negative sentences with “se nota que” using the formula below:

“Se nota que” + “no” + subject + verb (indicative) + complement.

Here are some examples:

Se nota que no estás durmiendo lo suficiente. Te ves cansado.

It’s obvious that you are not getting enough sleep. You look tired.

Sí, es simpática pero se nota que no quiere mucho a Simón.

Yes, she’s nice but you can tell she doesn’t love Simon very much.

How to use “se ve que”

We use “se ve que” in a similar way to “se nota que”. We even exchange them in similar sentences just to avoid making the sentence a tongue twister.

Let’s take, for example, the following sentence:

Se nota que ves películas frecuentemente.

It is obvious that you watch movies frequently.

Saying “se ve que ves peliculas frecuentemente” is correct. But, using the verb “ver” twice in the same sentence would make it a convolute expression. Therefore, in this particular case, we would use “se nota que” instead of “se ve que”.

Similarly, if you use the verb “notar” right after the structure “se nota/se ve que”, you should use “ve” instead of “nota”. It would help you avoid making convolute sentences.

We can build negative sentences with “se ve que”. To do it, we would use the same formula we have shown with “se nota que”. You only have to change “se nota que” for “se ve que”.

We can also make questions using both expressions. It’s like building a regular sentence but, of course, we have to add question marks. Asking something using these expressions will still make you sound polite because they would be impersonal questions.

Let’s see some examples:

¿Se ve que estudio mucho?

Do I look like I study hard?

¿Se ve que es natural?

Does it look natural?

As you may see, making questions using “se ve que” isn’t challenging. However, using the negative form to “no se ve que” to ask something is way more common.

It’s because the negative form would help you emphasize if what follows the structure “se ve que” is evident or not.

Let’s see some other examples:

¿No se ve que me he esforzado mucho?

Can’t you notice I’ve been trying too hard?

¿No se ve que te quiero demasiado?

Can’t you see that I love you too much?

Spanish important expressions

In summary, “se ve que” and “se nota que” are two impersonal Spanish expressions that will help you talk about what’s evident or can be seen with the eyes.

As they are impersonal, they will help you sound polite.

When building questions, it’s way less common to use the positive form instead of the negative form. Above all, the negative form will help you make an emphasis on what follows “se nota que” or “se ve que”.

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