Spanish expressions: “Ojalá que…”

spanish expressions ojala que

Key Facts

Ojalá is a Spanish expression used to convey hopes, often translated as "I hope that..." or "I wish" in English. The phrase "ojalá que" simplifies sentence construction, making it easier to express thoughts and hopes. Using ojalá with the present subjunctive indicates hopes for future events that have not yet occurred. Spanish speakers use ojalá with the imperfect subjunctive to express wishes about unlikely future or present events. To express regrets about past events, ojalá can be combined with the pluperfect subjunctive, highlighting wishes that were unlikely to happen.

Even though we shouldn’t regret or wish that things were different in the past, it might be common for some people to do it. In Spanish, to express “our hopes” we use the word “ojalá”. From time to time, it’s even common to hear the phrase “ojalá que” since it makes it easier to build sentences and express our thoughts.

Generally, we use “ojalá” together with the subjunctive. For that reason, most Spanish students find it difficult to understand how to use it. After all, just like in the indicative, there are many verb tenses in the subjunctive mood. If you want to learn how to use “ojalá” and express your hopes, read on.

How to use “ojalá

As we previously mentioned, we use “ojalá” to express our hopes. In fact, you have probably seen it translated into English as “I hope that…”, “I wish”, “I hope so”, or “hopefully”. First, we will show you how to use “ojalá” together with the present subjunctive which is one of the best ways of using ojalá.

When using ojalá + subjunctive present tense we express our hope for the future time. So, the sentence in the subjunctive must express a future idea.

Let’s have a look at the examples below.

Mi madre dice que ojalá me case con Rafael.

My mum says that she hopes I marry Rafael.

Ojalá tengas suerte en el examen.

I hope you are lucky in the exam.

¡Ojalá que Pedro me llame pronto!

I hope Pedro rings me soon!

¡Ojalá no llueva mañana!

I hope it doesn’t rain tomorrow!

As you may realize, in all of the examples above we are talking about events that haven’t happened yet and we hope to happen in the future. It does not matter if they will take place soon or not, as long as we talk about future events, we will use this structure properly.

Ojalá + imperfect subjunctive past tense

Spanish speakers use ojalá + imperfect subjunctive past tense to refer to future events that aren’t likely to happen. Also, we can use this structure to refer to a present event that seems not very probable at the moment of speaking.

Let’s see a few examples.

Ojalá que nos dejaran ir a la fiesta del instituto.

I wish they would let us go to the party at the high school.

Ojalá que tuviéramos más dinero para irnos al Guadalajara.

I wish we had more money to go to Guadalajara.

In the second example, we are talking about a present event that’s not very probable to happen while speaking. On the other hand, in the first example, we are talking about a future event. Please note that, in both sentences, we are using the structure Ojalá + que and “que” plays the role of conjunction.

Spanish speakers also use Ojalá + imperfect subjunctive past tense to refer to a past event that was and is still considered unlikely.

Let’s take a look at the following example.

Ojalá llegaran a tiempo a la estación.

I hope they arrived at the station on time.

In this case, during the course of the action, it was unlikely to happen. Yet, since we are saying the sentence in the present time, we still consider that it was unlikely to happen. Generally, we use this structure to express our wishes about things that could have happened.

Ojalá + perfect subjunctive past tense

Using this Spanish structure is quite simple. We use it to refer to something that we or someone wishes has happened. It could be in a recent or not-so-recent time. To use this structure, we don’t need a particular time in mind. So, it’s a very flexible structure that might help you express your thoughts and sound pretty smooth while speaking.

Here are some examples.

Ojalá hayamos aprobado todos el examen.

I hope we’ve all passed the exam.

¿Te acuerdas de los Martinez? Ojalá hayan tenido una buena vida, después de aquel desastre.

Do you remember the Martinez? I hope they had a good life, after that disaster.

In these examples, we are using only “ojalá” but using “ojalá que” is also possible. However, sometimes we recommend avoiding using too many words to express the same idea. It helps us communicate clearly and avoid misunderstandings. Keep in mind that using too many words to express the same idea might sound complex to the audience.

Ojalá + pluperfect subjunctive past tense

Many Spanish students think using this structure is complex. Yet, it’s quite simple as it has basically just one use. We use ojalá + pluperfect subjunctive past tense to talk about regrets. Additionally, from time to time, we use it to refer to a wish that’s seen as unlikely to have happened in the past.

Ojalá me hubieses hecho caso. Ahora no sé qué vas a hacer.

I wish you had paid attention to me. I don’t know what you are going to do now.

Ojalá hubiera comprado los otros pantalones. Estos me quedan estrechos.

I wish I had bought the other pants. These ones are tight for me.

As you may see, we always place “ojalá” at the beginning of the sentence. Even though this isn’t a rule, we frequently place “ojalá” that way. If you want to use it at the of the sentence, you have to make a few tweaks.

Let’s look at the example below.

A ver si tenemos suerte y nos toca la lotería. ¡Ojalá!

Let’s see if we’re lucky and win the lottery. I wish!/I hope so!

See? Here’s when exclamation marks come to the game. Using “ojalá” this way isn’t that common but might help you emphasize that what you’re saying is a wish or something you hope had happened.

Ojalá you learned a lot!

In conclusion, “ojalá” and “ojalá que” are two great tools when it’s time to express wishes or regrets. In most cases, we use these expressions at the beginning of the sentences. Nonetheless, you now know using “ojalá” at the end is also possible.

Don’t forget that although we use these structures to talk about wishes, events might take place in the present, past, or future time. If you’re not familiar with the Spanish subjunctive, don’t waste time and start your training ASAP. “Ojalá que”, after reading this article, you no longer face a challenge when using these Spanish expressions.

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