Spanish expressions: “Cada vez que…”

cada vez que spanish expressions

Key Facts

The phrase "cada vez que" expresses frequency in Spanish, similar to "every time that" in English. It is essential for Spanish learners to master "cada vez que" to enhance vocabulary and express repetitive actions. When using "cada vez que", sentences can be constructed in present, past, or future tenses with specific conjugation rules. In present and past sentences, verbs should be in the indicative form, while future sentences require a mix of subjunctive and indicative forms. Always use a comma after the first clause when starting a sentence with "cada vez que" to avoid grammatical errors.

In Spanish, the phrase “cada vez que” is typically used by native speakers to express frequency.

If you’re a Spanish learner, it’s among the top 5 phrases you should learn how to use. It’s because it will improve your vocabulary and will help you emphasize the activity or task that has been done.

“Cada vez que” is the Spanish equivalent of the English phrases “every time that” and “each time that”.

It’s become a controversial Spanish phrase because the time tense a verb is conjugated will change completely depending on what you are trying to express.

So, to help you avoid making mistakes, and show your skills using “cada vez que”, you should keep reading this article. by the end, you will know how to properly use “cada vez que” and how to conjugate verbs that follow this phrase.

How to use “cada vez que”

As we said, “cada vez que” is the Spanish equivalent of “every time that” or “each time that”. Therefore, we use it in a similar way.

We can use “cada vez que” to build sentences in the future tense, past tense, or present tense. However, no matter what kind of sentence you build, the formula we often use looks like this.

Sentence 1 + “cada vez que” + verb +  Sentence 2

Sentence 1 is the result of sentence 2. In this case, we express that activity 1 happens every time activity 2 is carried out.

We can use “cada vez que” at the beginning of the sentence or in the middle. Nonetheless, we never use it at the end of the sentence because a verb always follows this phrase.

If we want to build a sentence in the present tense, we would use a verb conjugated in the indicative form.

Let’s see a few examples to provide you with a better picture of how “cada vez que” works:

Cada vez que llego a casa, mi gato viene a saludarme.

Every time I come home, my cat comes to greet me.

Debes registrarte cada vez que visitas el sitio web.

You must register each time you visit the website.

Los milagros no suceden cada vez que rezamos por ellos.

Miracles don’t happen every time we pray for them.

La cama es incómoda. Suena cada vez que me muevo.

The bed is uncomfortable. It beeps every time I move.

As you may see, when we start a sentence using “cada vez que”, we should use a comma after the sentence that follows “cada vez que”.

For example, in the first sentence shown above, we use a comma after “llego a casa” and then we have the “result” sentence.

In that case, the formula looks like the one shown below:

“Cada vez que” + verb + sentence 2 + comma + Sentence 1

Please note that, generally, we write both sentences in the same tense.

Past tense sentences with “cada vez que”

Building past tense sentences is very simple.

In Spanish, we call the past tense, “pretérito” and there are many of these. The one we usually use with “cada vez que” is “el pretérito imperfecto” in the indicative form.

The formula we use to build sentences in the past is similar to the ones we explained before, but of course, verbs are conjugated differently.

Let’s look at the following examples and see how we should use “cada vez que” to build past sentences:

Cada vez que iba al gimnasio, hacía natacion.

Every time I went to the gym, I did swimming.

Me gustaba cantar cada vez que iba al parque a caminar.

I liked to sing every time I went to the park to walk.

Debíamos comprar bebidas cada vez que ibamos al parque.

We had to buy drinks every time we went to the park.

Sus papás le daban un regalo cada vez que limpiaba su habitación.

His parents gave him a present every time he cleaned his room.

Future tense sentences with “cada vez que”

When we want to build future tense sentences, things are different.

In this case, we should use verbs in the subjunctive form. Otherwise, it would be incorrect.

So, if you thought that only learning indicative conjugations would lead you to Rome, you were on the wrong road. Yet, luckily for you, conjugating verbs in the subjunctive form is also simple.

With future sentences, the formula we frequently use looks like the one shown below

Sentence 1 (Present – Subjunctive) + “cada vez que” + Sentence 2 (Future – Indicative).

Of course, that’s a flexible formula. So, you can conjugate the verb in sentence 1 using the future-indicative and the verb in sentence 2 using the present-subjunctive. The only thing we can’t do is conjugate both verbs using the same form.

Consequently, if we conjugate the verb in sentence 1 using the subjunctive and the verb in sentence 2 also using the subjunctive, we are making a mistake. The same would happen if we conjugate both verbs using the indicative form.

Here are some examples:

Llevaré crema solar cada vez que vaya a la playa.

I will wear suncream every time I go to the beach.

Me iré de viaje cada vez que pueda.

I’ll go on a trip whenever I can.

Cada vez que utilice el coche, conduciré con cuidado.

Every time I use the car, I will drive carefully.

Tomaré notas cada vez que vaya a clase.

I will take notes every time I go to class.

Cada vez que te vea, te diré “Hola”.

Every time I see you, I’ll say “Hello”

Spanish expressions

In summary, “cada vez que” is a very helpful structure we use to express that something will happen “every time” another thing happens. Of course, this adds a repetitive touch to what we say.

When building present-tense and past-tense sentences, you should conjugate verbs using the indicative form. Nevertheless, in future sentences, you should use the present subjunctive form and the future indicative form.

Also, remember to use a comma if you start a sentence using “cada vez que”. Otherwise, you are making a grammar mistake.

Test your knowledge

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