You may not be familiar with the U.S. Navy Seals but they are an army special forces group that plays a critical role in keeping peace.
At the moment, at least two types of language training are given to the SEALs team: Language acquisition and direct education/training.
However, one popular scenario that people associate with Navy SEALs is their fast capabilities in learning any skill.
How do navy seals learn languages faster than others? Let’s uncover their secrets.
Who are the Navy SEALs?
Navy SEALs are mostly special forces military officers from the United States that protect and deter possible war conflicts.
The United States Navy SEALs are the most visible component of the United States Naval Special Warfare Command, which is the maritime component of the United States Special Operations Command.
While the number of SEALs remains limited, they have had a massive influence wherever they have deployed.
For their foreign language program, most of the Navy SEALs attend the Department of Defense language school in California.
This school is also known as the Defense Language Institute Foreign Language. Personnel from all branches of the military are sent to this school to complete their language program requirements.
On some areas in the U.S like Texas, there is a DOD Institute that teaches English. The language you study in SEALs may be decided by the squad you are assigned to.
But, anticipate that most of the languages you’ll learn are different from your native language or your family
Are Navy SEALs required to speak another language?
According to the US Congress, language capability is another skill that Navy SEALs can use during their plan of strategies when scouting a country.
Typically, a minimum of two languages are required for language requirements, with English being the first.
That may not be the situation with a person’s second language. Some people vary in their proficiency in languages.
Their second or third language will be indigenous in the context for which their communities should take responsibility.
A special training language problem for the United States Navy reserve helps these officers learn faster than an average language learner.
How hard is it to learn a language as a Navy SEAL?
Apart from the professional training and developing mental toughness, it is smart for U.S. Navy SEALs to learn about foreign languages.
The responsibility of learning a language is important for Navy SEALs.
Language training is critical for Special Forces units in order to establish rapport with local associate forces.
Much of their verbal skills have deteriorated and must be re-emphasized by foreign language instruction.
Hence, many US Navy SEALs are urged to gain the trust of locals, especially in locations deemed critical by the Pentagon.
Language skills facilitate every contact between US troops (especially US Navy SEALs) and local forces, from teaching them how to sweep areas and leading them into action to comforting them after losses.
Which languages do Navy Seals learn?
The globalization of the fight against terrorism, as well as the continued dependence on special-operations soldiers for nearly any contingency or conflict, has raised the demand for commandos fluent in a foreign language.
Green Berets are required to know a foreign language due to their unconventional warfare and foreign internal defense mission sets, both of which include training partner forces.
Annual training is required for every Green Beret. All candidates must complete language school as part of their level of proficiency when it comes to army special operations.
Each special forces unit has a language lab to polish their language requirements.
The entire team of the Navy SEALs must learn these critical languages:
- Arabic
- Russian
- French
- Persian (Farsi)
- Mandarin Chinese
- Korean
- Japanese
- Tagalog
- Turkish
- Thai
While there are tons of other language options available for them to learn, these are just some of the common target languages that a SEAL teams will learn during and after their special training.
Can you learn a language as fast as a Navy SEAL?
You don’t need to have your target language the same as the languages mentioned above.
No matter if it’s European languages, Asian languages, African languages, or even Indian languages, any language learner doesn’t need advanced training like the SEALs.
Take a look at some tips directly from a Navy SEAL that will make you memorize and learn a target language no matter what your level of proficiency is.
Learn by planning ahead
Navy SEALS are taught to be vigilant, careful, and clever at all times. They have to think of what they’ll do next or else they might sabotage the plans of their squad leader.
This trait, when applied to learning a foreign language, works by knowing what your timeplan is for moving from the A1 level, B1 level, C1 level, and achieving the best level of proficiency for each of these tiers.
By planning ahead, you can break down which tasks, accomplishments, and goals you want to finish on a certain timeframe.
Sticking with this strategy means you are on top of your game and focused on a single goal until you’re done with it.
Do your foreign language training while you’re still interested
Anyone can learn as fast as a Navy SEAL if they have the determination and will. That means, you have to be decisive in choosing to learn and strike while the iron is hot.
Language learners will encounter competition not just with others who might do better than them. Rather, they’ll often doubt themselves on the first few days or weeks of learning.
It is very crucial for anyone who wants to learn a new skill or posses a certain trait to start working on it as soon as they’re interested.
Cooling the flame of passion in developing ones’ self will ultimately lead to
Be active and assertive with learning
Being eager in learning a new language means you have the motivation to finish your goal no matter what.
It is important to become active and assertive to become a Navy SEAL since they face many physical and mental obstacles along the way.
In learning vocabulary, pronunciations, and new words, it is important to become active by speaking and thinking directly in the language you want to learn.
Remember, active minds release endorphins and cortisol, these hormones are both advantages and disadvantages in learning.
Both of them also contribute to a stress hormones which may discourage you from continuing what you’ve already started.
Have a mindset of success
Lastly, with any obstacle and challenges along the way, Navy SEALs are determined to bring success and victory in all of their tasks.
And it doesn’t just mean they have to get over with it.
Navy SEALs are taught the discipline to withsdtand any trials and face them without fear.
Success students should grab the best and most tactical strategies from Navy SEALs as they are proven useful in some of the most dangerous and risky places.